Keeping Your Car's Transmission Shifting Smoothly

Having access to a functional automobile is something that many drivers take for granted. If you don't want to find yourself without access to reliable transportation, then you need to ensure you are taking the time to properly maintain your car's transmission. The transmission is responsible for automatically shifting your car from one gear to the next, and it plays a critical role in determining how well your car performs.

Here are three simple tasks that you can complete to prevent your car's transmission from suffering irreparable damage in the future.

1. Check for fluid leaks each day.

Your vehicle's transmission relies on transmission fluid to help lubricate moving parts and dispel any heat created during the shifting process before it can warp the metal components within the transmission. If you have a transmission fluid leak, there won't be enough fluid to provide your transmission with the proper level of protection.

Be sure that you are checking your vehicle for fluid leaks daily by looking at the ground underneath your vehicle after pulling out of your parking spot. If you see any evidence of red fluid, have your mechanic repair the transmission fluid leak immediately to prevent serious damage.

2. Replace filters regularly.

Transmission fluid flows through a series of filters as it travels throughout your vehicle's transmission. These filters help to remove any particulate matter that is suspended within the transmission fluid, allowing the fluid to more fully protect your engine.

When the filters become clogged, transmission fluid cannot freely move through them in order to lubricate and protect your vehicle's transmission. Be sure to have your mechanic check your car's filters regularly and replace any filters that appear to be dirty or clogged in order to ensure maximum protection for your transmission in the future.

3. Don't shift while your car is in motion.

Many drivers make the mistake of shifting from reverse to drive (or vice versa) before they bring their vehicle to a complete stop. This driving habit could be wreaking havoc on the quality and performance of your car's transmission.

The moving parts that allow your transmission to shift between gears can become damaged when shifting occurs while the parts are still in motion. Be sure that you are bringing your vehicle to a complete stop before shifting to change directions if you want to protect its transmission from damage over time.

Being able to protect your vehicle's transmission by watching for fluid leaks, replacing clogged filters, and changing your driving habits will allow you to keep your car running properly well into the future.
